Bitcoin Exchange BTCC to Halt Trading as Regulatory Storm Brews in China
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Bitcoin Exchange BTCC to Halt Trading as Regulatory Storm Brews in China

THELOGICALINDIAN - This accomplished anniversary theres been abounding rumors that Chinese cryptocurrency trading platforms would be shutting bottomward anon due to authoritative apropos Now the Chinabased barter BTCC has appear it will be shutting bottomward operations on September 30

Also read: China to Play a ‘Leading Role’ in Bitcoin’s Future  

BTCC Exchange to Cease Trading Operations at the End of the Month

It seems the circulating belief of Chinese bitcoin exchanges accepting to shut bottomward has angry out to be true. On September 14, the barter BTCC appear it would be suspending all trading on Saturday, September 30.

Bitcoin Exchange BTCC to Halt Trading as Regulatory Storm Brews in China

The barter is the aboriginal above trading belvedere in the arena to advertise this decision. Following the exchange’s statement, the amount of bitcoin has alone decidedly to a low of $3580 on Thursday morning.  

“After anxiously because the ‘Seven Regulatory Bodies’ announcement of preventing risks associated with badge fundraising, BTCC has absitively to anon stop accepting new annual registrations on the BTCC exchange,” explains CEO Bobby Lee’s adaptation of the announcement.

 Other Chinese Exchanges Have Not Issued Closure Announcements…Yet

According to the China-based bitcoin and blockchain Twitter personality, Cnledger, the exchange’s Okcoin and Huobi accept not received a apprehension from regulators. “Also agenda that BTCC ahead listed an ICO-coin, a badge accurately acclimated to accession funds for ICO projects, issued by co-founder Yang,” explains Cnledger on Twitter. However, the Shanghai account aperture Yicai has abundant that the country’s Municipal Financial Service Office has told all trading platforms based in China to stop operations immediately.

Since the account has been released, bitcoin’s amount has alone beneath the $3500 range. This is additionally not the aboriginal time Chinese exchanges had to accede with regulations as earlier this year deposits and withdrawals were suspended. The amount biconcave at the time, but rebounded anon afterwards the axial bank’s aboriginal advertisement aftermost January. This time about the ICO bazaar has seemed to affect bitcoin abnormally alike admitting it’s not associated with these contempo crowdfunding token investments. Bitcoiners beyond amusing media are not admiring with the ICO movement tarnishing bitcoin’s reputation and accept the account from China is a absolute aftereffect of that accurate market. will be afterward this adventure carefully and will accomplish abiding our readers are abreast if added Chinese exchanges adjudge to abutting operations.

What do you anticipate about the Chinese barter shutting bottomward trading on September 30th? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, and Twitter

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